
Accreditation of higher education institutions is an evaluation process conducted to measure the quality and standards of education at a university. This process ensures that the educational institution meets certain criteria, covering various important aspects such as curriculum, quality of faculty, facilities, and effective management.

The main purpose of accreditation is to provide a quality assurance to students, parents, and society that the university is capable of offering high-quality and relevant education. In this process, accreditation bodies such as BAN-PT (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi)  in Indonesia assess:

  1. Curriculum: Whether the taught material is relevant and up-to-date with industry developments.
  2. Human Resources: The qualifications and competencies of faculty and teaching staff.
  3. Facilities: The availability of adequate infrastructure to support learning.
  4. Management: The efficiency and transparency of the university's administration.
  5. Research and Community Service: The university's contributions in research and service to society.

Accreditation is given in the form of a rating, ranging from A (best) to C, reflecting the extent to which the institution meets national standards. By having good accreditation, a university demonstrates its commitment to continuously improving educational quality and gaining trust from prospective students and the job market.

Accreditation of UPNVYK Unduh
Accreditation of D3-Chemical Engineering Unduh
Accreditation of S1-Chemical Engineering Unduh
Accreditation of Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Unduh
Accreditation of Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems Unduh
Accreditation of Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Unduh
Accreditation of Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering Unduh

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  • Rena Tamfia
  • | 4 January 2025

Student File

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  • Rena Tamfia
  • | 4 January 2025

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Lebih Lanjut

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