The representatives of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPNVY and Information and Communication Technology Volunteers (RTIK) organized the "IKM Go Digital Mentoring" activity.

28 November 2020

As a follow-up to the national Bangga Buatan Indonesia movement, where the Ministry of Industry, through the e-Smart IKM program, encourages small and medium industries (IKM) to expand online marketing access, representatives from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPNVY, from the Informatics, Information Systems, and Industrial Engineering study programs, participated in the “IKM Go Digital Mentoring” program, in collaboration with Information and Communication Technology Volunteers (RTIK), to assist IKM in the DI Yogyakarta province from November 23-26, 2020.

The goal of this mentoring is to provide understanding about utilizing digital technology to expand marketing access for IKM. The output of the mentoring includes creating digital assets and educating on how to use them. These digital assets for business development include social media, Google My Business, and WhatsApp for Business.

This mentoring activity is facilitated by the government, so participating IKM do not incur any fees. The benefits for IKM include: receiving digital education, obtaining digital assets such as social media, Google My Business, and WhatsApp for Business, learning how to use these digital assets, and receiving further online mentoring.

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