Talkshow & Webinar Series #3: 70 Years of the Indonesian Engineers Association "The Role of Industrial Engineering Engineers in Energy Transition and Green Economy"
16 Juni 2022
On Thursday, June 16, 2022, the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) and the Industrial Engineering Professional Body held Talkshow & Webinar Series #3 as part of the events celebrating 70 years of PII. The topic discussed in this event was "The Role of Industrial Engineering Engineers in Energy Transition and Green Economy." This event was held online via the Zoom Meeting platform.
The event was opened with speeches from Ir. Faizal Safa, S.T., M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN Eng., ACPE, the Chairman of the Industrial Engineering Professional Body of PII, and Ir. Indracahya Kusumasubrata, IPU, the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Industrial Engineering Professional Body of PII. They expressed their hope that this event would provide insights and positive contributions to the development of the role of industrial engineering engineers in addressing the challenges of energy transition and the green economy.
In this talkshow and webinar series, there were two main speakers. Muliandy Nasution, ST, MH, MM, MBA, CPM, IPM, CEO of Fath Capital and Executive Director of the Industrial Engineering Professional Body of PII, presented on "Energy Conversion for Sustainable Economy." In his presentation, he discussed the importance of energy conversion to create a sustainable economy.
Meanwhile, Ir. Nur Indrianti, M.T., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng., a lecturer in Industrial Engineering at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and Vice Head of Community Services & Sustainability at the Industrial Engineering Professional Body of PII, presented on the topic of "Circular Economy Practices in Manufacturing SMEs." She discussed the implementation of circular economy practices in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs), along with the challenges and opportunities in implementing this concept.
This webinar aimed to provide insights into how industrial engineering engineers can actively contribute to supporting sustainable energy transition and the development of a green economy, which are important issues in the face of current global challenges.
In order to welcome the opening of the MBKM Bangkit 2022 program and the registration for the Bangkit Program for students, and to share the success of Informatics alumni who participated in this program in 2021, the Socialization of the MBKM BANGKIT Program held by the Department of Informatics this time invited two Alumni of the BANGKIT 2021 Program from the Machine Learning track (Nicholas Nanda S. - Informatics 2018) and the Cloud Computing track (M. Daffa Aldandy - Informatics 2018).
Lebih LanjutThe Industrial Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta hosted an International Seminar on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The seminar, titled the 1st International Conference on Engineering Optimization and Management in Industrial Applications (ICEOMIA 2022), carried the theme "Advancement of Optimization, Engineering Technology, and Management for a Sustainable Environment."
Lebih LanjutUniversiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) will be hosting an International Academic Webinar with the theme "Service Economics and Community Service for Sustainability" on April 13, 2022. The event will be conducted online through a Zoom meeting platform.
Lebih Lanjut