FTI Journal Team participated in the 2nd Annual Meeting of RJI Crossref Sponsored Organization
Six faculty members managing journals from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta participated in the 2nd Annual Meeting of RJI Crossref Sponsored Organization, held in Sumedang on September 16, 2019. During this annual meeting, there were 7 sessions aimed at developing existing journals. These sessions included: Content Registration (DOI) Class, Reference Linking Class, Cited By Class, Crossmark Class, Metadata Delivery Class, Similarity Check Class, and Event Data Class.
The event, attended by over 200 journal managers from across Indonesia, included not only training sessions but also a webinar on Crossref, DOI, and ORCID. The webinar was delivered by Rachael Lammey, Head of Community Outreach at Crossref. The event ran from 08:00 AM to 9:30 PM.
The Faculty of Industrial Engineering Journal Management Team gained many valuable insights from this event. Moving forward, we hope the journals within the Faculty of Industrial Engineering will continue to grow and improve.
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Lebih LanjutThe activity of watching together and supporting the Indonesian National Team to increase familiarity and nationalistic spirit as students.
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