UPNVY Students Successfully Develop Wedhang from Salak Pondoh Peel Extract as an Innovative Contemporary Beverage

01 September 2020

Sleman – The Zalacca PKM-K team from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, consisting of four students, has successfully developed a beverage called Wedhang Susu Zalacca Bubble, made from Salak Pondoh peel extract. This product will compete with 14 other funded teams to represent UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The Zalacca team is mentored by Heni Handri Utami, SP., MM., and led by Ardiansyah Sanjaya (Agrotechnology 2017), with members Qurrotul Uyun (Agrotechnology 2017), Annis Muthia Arifani (Agribusiness 2017), and Nur Prangawayu (Industrial Engineering 2018).

This innovative product, which merges the fields of Industrial Engineering, Agrotechnology, and Agribusiness, is not intended to compete with existing small and medium enterprises (UMKM) but to support them in achieving success, thus benefiting the wider community. The initiative involves collaborating with other UMKM that process salak, including using by-products such as salak seeds, which are often underutilized, and partnering with UMKM that process salak seeds.

The choice of Salak Pondoh among other varieties is due to its popularity and distinct taste. As Banun Harpini, Head of the Agricultural Quarantine Agency (Barantan) from the Ministry of Agriculture, stated in Kompas.com (March 24, 2017), Salak Pondoh is loved for its sweet taste, crunchy texture, and delightful aroma. According to the Central Statistics Agency in 2016, Turi, a district in Sleman, was the highest producer of Salak Pondoh. While the production of salak has increased, even reaching international markets such as New Zealand, the utilization of salak waste remains low, as consumption is focused mainly on the fruit's flesh. The peel and seeds, however, have substantial benefits, particularly the peel. Phytochemical tests have shown that salak peel contains flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, making it an anti-diabetic substance.

“I used to dislike wedhang because of the strong, spicy ginger flavor and aroma, but with this drink, I believe any young person will come to enjoy wedhang,” said Nur Prangawayu, a member of the Zalacca PKM-K team and a student of the Industrial Engineering program. She added that Wedhang Susu Zalacca Bubble not only makes use of the underutilized salak peel but also aims to popularize wedhang among the younger generation or millennials by adding a bubble element made from salak, making the drink sweet with a pleasant mix of salak and ginger aroma. To date, the Zalacca PKM-K team has developed several flavor variations, such as taro, strawberry, and brown sugar, with options for original or low-fat skim milk, and plans to continue expanding the product in the future.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ardiansyah Sanjaya and his team are confident that this Student Creativity Program will not only provide significant benefits but also bring social value to the community, ensuring that the project can continue to thrive and have a lasting impact even after the program concludes.

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