Integrity Zone Towards WBK and WBBM
To support the achievement of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards WBK and WBBM, the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at UPNVYK held a socialization event featuring Prof. Dr. Ir. Faridah, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, the Head of the Integrity Zone at the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Prof. Faridah shared her experiences and strategies from FT UGM in reaching WBK and WBBM.
The achievement of the Integrity Zone (ZI) is an important first step in attaining the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM) designations. ZI demonstrates the commitment of government institutions to prevent corruption, enhance transparency, and provide high-quality public services, with the goal of strengthening public trust in the government.
WBK and WBBM are awarded by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) as recognition for the successful implementation of bureaucratic reform. The process toward these designations includes improving accountability, transparency, and public service quality through key components of ZI: Change Management, Governance Arrangement, Human Resource Management System Improvement, Strengthening Accountability, Supervision, and Improving Public Services.
The Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPNVYK supports this achievement by organizing a socialization event with Prof. Dr. Ir. Faridah, the Chairperson of the Integrity Zone at FT UGM. In her presentation, Prof. Faridah shared FT UGM's successful experience in attaining WBK and WBBM through strategic actions such as:
The positive impacts achieved include increased efficiency, service quality, and integrity within UGM. This inspiration motivates FTI UPNVYK to apply the Integrity Zone towards WBK and WBBM.
The achievement of the Integrity Zone (ZI) is a crucial first step in attaining the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM). ZI represents a strong commitment from a work unit within a government institution to prevent corruption practices, enhance transparency, and provide high-quality public services. Its main goal is to create positive changes in governance management and strengthen public trust in government performance.
WBK and WBBM are prestigious titles awarded by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) to institutions that have significantly reformed their bureaucracy. The process to achieve these titles involves efforts to improve accountability, transparency, and public service quality. Each institution must meet several assessment criteria that are the basis of success. The main components of the Integrity Zone are:
To support the achievement of the Integrity Zone towards WBK and WBBM, the Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPNVYK held a socialization event featuring Prof. Dr. Ir. Faridah, S.T., M.Sc., IPU, the Chairperson of the Integrity Zone at the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Prof. Faridah shared her experience and strategies of FT UGM in reaching WBK and WBBM.
UGM faced several strategic issues in its journey toward WBK, including:
By implementing these strategies, FT UGM achieved positive impacts such as:
Concrete results from the development of ZI after achieving WBK include:
Meanwhile, FT UGM also faced strategic issues in achieving WBBM, including:
The impact of the strategies toward achieving WBBM includes improvements in IKU (Key Performance Indicators), such as:
Through these steps, FT UGM has demonstrated its commitment to creating a clean, effective government that better serves the public. This achievement serves as inspiration for the Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPNVYK to implement the Integrity Zone towards WBK and WBBM within the FTI UPNVYK environment.